Wednesday, February 1, 2012

1st day at Cotati Coffee

First of all, thanks to everybody who went to visit me on my first day!

I got a new job at Cotati Coffee in Cotati. Their Facebook page isn't up to date, because it has the Holy Roast logo on it from the prior owners. That will change soon though :) Long story short, this young man by the name of Jeremy bought the place and today was the first day under his new ownership. It was a little upsetting because there really was several things that were off about the new shop. Mainly, it was the maintenance part. Not to point fingers, but it had not been kept up in the past. Fortunately, The new owner cleaned up the place overnight, and this morning it looked WAY cleaner than yesterday.

 I'm very excited to work here though because I'm going to be able to gain marketing experience from this job. Plus, just being able to have practice being a Barista is going to be fun! I've been a Barista for three years, but this was the first day that all I did was make drinks! Sadly, only one of the heads (where you run the shot) was working, and I could only make 2 shots at a time... A bit difficult when it came to making multiple drinks with multiple shots. It was thrilling working under pressure though. Customers were very understanding.

I was a bit hesitant to find a new job after relieving myself from my prior job at Petaluma Coffee. I do miss working there, especially since I had such fantastic customers that really appreciated the business. I'm hoping that I will slowly work my way into the hearts of customers here in Cotati, and be recognized as a barista that makes great drinks.

I look forward to the challenges, and rewards that I will face now that I have this new job. Feel free to visit, and who knows maybe you can become a regular. For the records, Peet's is not "local" coffee, neither is Starbucks ( They have had same ownership).

The definition of "local" Coffee is "locally Roasted" coffee. which is true of Cotati coffee, and various other coffee shops too. Support the cycle of local businesses. If you had a business wouldn't you want people to support you? Exactly :)
If you can't make it to my coffee shop because you live far away, or are just a bit lazy. Head to the nearest local coffee shop, or local bakery, or local sandwich shop. One of my favorite aspects of visiting a local business, is that they actually do appreciate your business. 
Thanks for listening!

*Barista-barista (from the Italian for "bartender") is a person, usually a coffee-house employee, who prepares and serves espresso-based coffee drinks.

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